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Category Archives: Icon

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis nec purus tellus, quis pulvinar tortor.

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Horizontal Icon 5

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis nec purus tellus, quis pulvinar tortor.

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Horizontal Icon 4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis nec purus tellus, quis pulvinar tortor.

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Horizontal Icon 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis nec purus tellus, quis pulvinar tortor.

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Horizontal Icon 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis nec purus tellus, quis pulvinar tortor.

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Horizontal Icon 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis nec purus tellus, quis pulvinar tortor.

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    I have been a part of Beth's barn family for 9 years and I don't believe there is another place with the same encouragement, determination, or love for the sport, riders, and horses. There is always an incredible and honest improvement in horses and riders with Beth's training, and there is nothing more rewarding than that. - Bridget Helm, Junior rider

    Beth is a “horse-centered” trainer, focusing always on each of my three horses’ unique abilities & needs, & teaching me to develop a sense of awareness that allows our best performance as a team. I love to show & compete & have had so much fun & success through the years in both equitation & jumpers. Beth has truly created a barn of friendship, fun, & achievement. - Shelly Wilson, Adult rider

    Over the past eight years Beth has taken me from a small beginner pony rider, to a 3’6 equitation show jumper on my own horse Lana. She is one of the most inspirational and motivating trainers out there. - Leah La Massey, Junior rider

    What sets our barn apart from the others, is that although we are all competitive with our horses in the show ring, we are a true barn family, and we ALL cheer each other on during all competitions and have fun. - Jeanie Bedrosian, Adult rider

  • BethDogsSquirrel